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Eight Months Old }

Sunday, February 23, 2014


Aoife turned 8 months old yesterday and I can hardly believe it! In a four short months, she will be 1. What the heck? I know people say "time flies" but you never believe that when you're pregnant because, well, you feel like you're pregnant forever. At least I did! She is now a professional eater -- even without teeth! She can pretty much eat anything I give her. She still nurses and has breastmilk but she snacks a lot during the day too. Her favorite food is avocado (still), and she loves the HappyPuffs line of puffs - apple, sweet potato, greens and banana. She's eerily close to crawling! Just hasn't quite figured out the mechanics of it yet.

We love our sweet girl soooo much. Every day I am so grateful that we were able to have such a sweet little girl that fills our lives with joy. On days that are particularly rough for me, I come home and she dances and smiles when she sees me - that lifts my spirits up right away! Sure, some days are really, really tough with her but most days she's an absolute angel. Thomas and I are SO lucky! Now we wish all of our family members and friends could meet her!

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